Counseling » Educational Therapy

Educational Therapy

What is the Educational Therapy Program? 

Educational therapy is school based therapy that focuses on the mental and behavioral health needs that impact a student's ability to access their education or function in the educational environment. Educational therapy services are divided into 3 tiers of support, following a Multi-tiered System of Support model. Educational therapists are clinical therapists.

How the Educational Therapist helps support students at
Clayton A. Record Elementary School
Tier One
-Mental Health lessons/fairs
-Staff & Teacher training
-Parent Support
Tier Two
-Small groups
-Brief individual therapeutic services (1-2 interventions)
-Collaborative meetings
-Targeted case management
Tier Three
-Brief individual therapy
-Crisis Intervention (Suicide/Threat of harm)
-Referrals to outside agencies
Mental Health Wellness Center
The Wellness Center provides mental and behavioral health resources to SJUSD students and families in order to support them with their mental health and achieving their full academic and personal potential.

Please visit the SJUSD Mental Health Wellness Center page by clicking on this link.