How to Report an Absence
Contact Berenice Sanchez at (951)487-6644 Ext. 3895 or email [email protected]
You may also submit an attendance note via ParentSquare when the daily attendance notifications are sent at 6pm on the day of your student's absence.
When leaving a message please include the following information:
- Your name and relationship to student
- Student's Name
- Teacher's Name
- Date of Absence
- Reason for Absence
Attendance FAQ's
How long do I have to clear an absence? Don't forget to call the front office to clear your student's absence. Per board policy, parents have 3 days from the day of the absence to clear it. We encourage all of our parents to call even if it is past the 3 days.
What is an unexcused absence? Any full day absence or 30 minutes or more tardy, or an absence that is not excused per Education Code 48205 is an unexcused absence.
What is a Truant Student? A student missing more than 30 minutes of instruction without an excuse three times during the school year is classified as a truant.
Who do I contact if I have attendance questions? Our attendance clerk, Berenice Sanchez at 951-487-6644 Ext.
How can my student make up an absence? Your student can attend Saturday School to make up an absence. Each Saturday School that your student attends will eliminate an absence.
Ex. Your student has 13 absences and attends Saturday School 4 times, your students absences will decrease to 9.