About Us » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Clayton Record Elementary school is a special place which cultivates a culture of hard work, team work and never ending commitment to improvement.  We will continue to utilize researched based practices to support our students in their achievement towards proficiency in all content areas.   

Our data has shown that we made substantial growth in both ELA and Math during the course of the 2023-2024 school year.  We have also identified a need to add additional support in the area of vocabulary development to support reading proficiency.  We will continue to focus on developing our students’ reading behaviors with small group instruction at students’ instructional reading while integrating grade level reading behaviors into this instruction.  We will be using the comprehensive reading benchmark assessment from Fountas and Pinnell that will provide specific reading behaviors at each level for teachers to utilize for specific instruction.  We will continue to utilize the I-Ready online learning platform and diagnostic assessment as well as the Wonders and Eureka curriculum and assessment.  We support students during W.I.N time support (What I Need ).  This means additional support for students will occur in their classrooms and there will be a specific focus on grade level reading behaviors and vocabulary development.  

Our staff remains committed and excited to have the privilege of supporting the students and families of Clayton Record Elementary School. 

Welcome to the Ranch!

Andrew Mante, Principal